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Thursday, November 15, 2007

Sew Sew

Blah. I've really been waiting for something more positive to talk about regarding our dear Britney Spears but, sadly, there really is nothing of importance to speak of. Britney surfaced in Las Vegas this past weekend/earlier this week lookin' her usual hot mess and it just dawned on me how much she really doesn't care about anything. Both she and the entourage that remains fiercely loyal to her (in this case, Cousin Ali Sims) don't even want to bother dressing in actual clothes when they go out in public. It's easy to envision that they just got up out of bed, still wearing the stuff they sleep in, and then just decided to go to Las Vegas to shop. Disheartening isn't even the word I'd use ... it doesn't seem strong enough:

Photo credit: Splash News

BUT, I digress ... in actual news news, Britney's crack legal team has come up with an explanation as to why amphetamines were found in her system during one of her scheduled court-ordered drug tests and are prepared to make their case when they go to their next hearing: TMZ has learned Britney Spears will now play the ADD card in court tomorrow, arguing that her medication caused a positive reading on a drug test last week. As we first reported, a source connected to Britney first said Provigil, a drug used to treat narcolepsy, was the cause of the false positive. But then TMZ reported that Provigil would not show up on a court-ordered drug test. Then Brit's peeps said the reason for the positive reading was that she has asthma, and used an inhaler of Albuterol. But then we reported the drug Brit tested positive for was an amphetamine -- and Albuterol is not. So now -- Atttention Deficit Disorder -- just like Paris. And based on our information -- just like Paris -- we believe Britney's prescription is for Adderall. That drug fits the bill, because Adderall is an amphetamine. The lawyers are in court tomorrow. You know, it's hard to keep watching this sad show continue to spiral out of control. I can't help that I'm a big fan of Brit Brit's music so, for my sanity, I think I'll just try and focus on that side her and not the sad creature she continues to be in the public eye. Her crazy antics used to be entertaining and a bit funny ... now, they're just sad. [Source]


At long last, the fourth season of Project Runway had its much overdo premiere on Bravo last night. I'm not even kidding, I planned my entire day around last night's premiere. I stayed away from the computer from 7pm on (so as not to be spoiled by any news from the East Coast which aired the show 3 hours earlier than it aired here on the West Coast) and I bailed out of hanging with Jordan for longer than just dinner so that I could be at home, in front of the TV at 10pm. I am very happy that the show is back on the air ... even if I thought last night's ep and first challenge were a bit too easy:

I can tell that I'm going to really love this batch of designers. They are a nice mix of semi-normal to batshit crazy peeps that should make for an interesting season. I immediately responded to the big muscley, beary straight guy Kevin (who made a point to talk about his straightness as soon as he could) ... he's hot and talented. I really liked his design. I also love the crazy spiritual chick Elisa. She deffo seems to be missing a few screws in her noggin ... always a good thing on reality TV. I'm still pretty much feeling out the rest of the cast ... I'm not sure what I think about little Christian yet. His hair is very distracting and his attitude ... I'm not sure if I love it or hate it. Heidi was a dream and Tim was his usual Tim self ... I'm so glad they haven't changed the judges. The show just wouldn't be the same without Michael Kors's queeny comments and I just love Nina Garcia. Sure, I wish the lady would run a brush thru her hair every once-in-a-while but her you bitches better impress me attitude just rules. I have to say, tho, that I was not impressed with this first challenge. There was no creativity involved. The designers were given $50k worth of fine materials to make whatever they want. Hello! Boring! They should've really made them make dresses out of the tents themselves ... like, hello, that's what the show is all about. In the end, I think Chris's design was the best ... but they were all pretty good (well, except for the one that got Aufed ... it really was the worst of the batch). I know the season will get better and I already can't wait for next week :) [Source]

Many of the Heroes cast members hauled their cookies out to Calabasas, CA last night to appear at the Lamborghini Calabasas Grand Opening to benefit the Epilepsy Foundation. Personally, I think they really showed up hoping to find keys to brand new Lamborghini's in their gift bags but I don't think that actually happened. Last night's event was only the latest that managed to score an appearance by both Hayden Panettiere and Milo Ventimiglia at the same time ... which, of course, forced Milo to start issuing denials that the two are dating:

Photo credit: Splash News

Since cozying up at an Emmys party in September, Milo Ventimiglia and Hayden Panettiere have dodged rumors that they are dating. Two months later, the duo some call "Halo" are still close, hanging together at Wednesday's Race in the Fight Against Epilepsy fundraiser, in Calabasas, Calif. But could these Heroes be a couple? When asked about the reports of romance, Ventimiglia, 30, chuckled then paused. After a few seconds, he answered, "She and I are close friends. It's only natural that people are going to couple us together." The actor and Panettiere, 18, hung together outside the bash while awaiting their fellow Heroes costars. And although they spoke closely in a shadowy corner, they remained strictly hands-off. (Once inside, the two were ushered into a private VIP room.) HMMMM ... trust me, I'd love to take Milo at face value and believe that there is no romance betwixt Halo but I know that of course they're gonna deny it if it really were true. As much as I'd love for Milo to stay single, I wouldn't mind if he and Hayden actually paired up in person. She is really cute and would be a good match for him. BUT, I must also mention, it looks like things may have cooled between Hayden and her BFF/shadow Kristen Bell. Neither of them look very happy in the paired up pic of the two ... maybe they're tired of sharing the spotlight together. [Source]

Jessica Alba, Hayden Christensen, Rachel Bilson and others were on hand last night for the NYC premiere of the new movie Awake which was held at the Chelsea West Cinema. Here are a few pics from the red carpet:

Photo credit: Splash News

I mean, really? Someone somewhere thought it would be a good idea to make this movie? Granted, I haven't seen it but from what I've seen of the promo trailers, I don't think I want to see it. Didn't this movie come out earlier this year already and wasn't it called The Invisible? I know that Jessica Alba is trying her hand in different sorts of movie genres (she already tackled comedy in Good Luck Chuck this year) so I am guessing this is her foray into drama. Yeah, I think she should've held out for a better script. Something about this movie reminds me of Flatliners ... but not good. I wish Hollywood would stop making the same crappy movies over and over again ;( [Source]

It appears that people are finally getting tired of putting up with Amy Winehouse and consistently subpar attempts to be a serious musical performer. Amy kicked off her new UK tour in Birmingham and delivered a "shambolic" performance which caused the audience to boo her off he stage and then make a hasty run for the exit doors:

Amy Winehouse was booed by fans as she delivered a shambolic set on the first night of her UK tour in Birmingham. The singer also dedicated a song to her husband, Blake Fielder-Civil, who is being held on remand pending charges including GBH. During the show, the 24-year-old told the crowd: "To them people booing, wait 'til my husband gets out of incarceration. And I mean that." Some fans have contacted the BBC to say they would be seeking a refund. Winehouse's spokesman said the singer had had a particularly hard day on Wednesday after visiting her husband in prison for the first time. He added it was completely Winehouse's decision to go on stage as she knew so many people had paid to see her ... Before the song Wake Up Alone, she told the audience: "This is for my husband." But during an encore cover of The Zutons' Valerie she stopped singing, dropped her microphone and walked off the stage ... The tour is due to continue as planned on Friday night in Glasgow. Finally. I'm so glad people have stopped putting up with her stupid bullshit. I've always considered Amy Winehouse to be insanely overrated. Yes, her Rehab song is really catchy but I've been far from impressed with the rest of her music and I've never been all that impressed with any performance of her I've seen. I love how she thinks that threatening booing audience members by saying that her husband, who is currently in jail, is gonna come after them and "do something" is the way to handle the situation. I think it's time for Amy to say yes, yes, yes to rehab so she can get her shizz straight before she pisses away a promising career. [Source]

David Beckham has made his way back to the bonnie shores of his homeland in order to begin training with the English national soccer team now that his premiere season as a US soccer player has come to an unsatisfying end. Here are pics of hot Becks running around with his English mates at a training session earlier this week:

While I'm bummed that Becks won't be running around these here parts in his little soccer kit for quite some time I'm glad that there is some team out there who is willing to let him suit up and run around with them. Any pics of Becks in his little soccer shorts will tide me over until his rumored Armani underwear ads surface. A mostly nekkid Becks is my fave Becks of all. [Source]

And speaking of ... Pink reader Brittany sends in a couple more pics of Becks from the exhibition match that the LA Galaxy played against the Vancouver White Caps last week and while I'd normally not post pics from an event already covered a week ago I just had to make an exception for these pics:

Woot! You will note that Becks is wearing Calvin Klein underwear underneath his little soccer shorts. Shouldn't he be wearing Armani? Actually, I vote that he wears nothing at all ... who's with me? [thanks Brittany]

The Writer's Strike rages on and more and more celebs (some of whom are writers themselves) are joining the WGA on the various picket lines. Here are pics of Sarah Silverman, Kathy Griffin, Lisa Kudrow and Matthew Perry striking with their WGA pals:

Photo credit: Splash News

Sometimes these sorts of things come off more as photo ops than anything else but if it draws more attention to what the strikers are trying to accomplish then I guess it's for the greater good. Kathy Griffin doesn't usually look this good when she goes on camera and yet here she is all glammed up for the picket line. I'm glad that the strike is giving Matthew Perry something else to do these days ... he must get pretty bored eating bagels all the time. [Source]

KT Tunstall also joined the striker this week after her scheduled appearance on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno was cancelled due to the Writer's Strike. KT was supposed to tape her appearance yesterday ... so she decided to go out to the NBC Studios in Burbank, CA anyways and perform for the folks walking the picket line instead:

Photo credit: Splash News

Now, I'm not the biggest KT fan around but I think this was pretty dope of her to show up and perform for the strikers. I really like her song Suddenly I See so I just wanted to show her some love for being so cool. [Source]

Nick Lachey and girlfriend Vanessa Minnillo celebrated their belated birthdays jointly last night at LAX Nightclub in Las Vegas. She turned 27 on November 9th and he turned 34 on the same day ... here are a couple pics of the birthday couple:

Blech. They're already celebrating birthdays together? What's next, they gonna start pooping together too? Waitaminute ... I don't think I want to know the answer to that question. Let's move on. [Source]

Jennie Garth took some time out of her busy Dancing with the Stars schedule to also make her way out to Las Vegas to flight the switch that turned the fake Eiffel Tour at the Paris Hotel and Casino red in order to kick off the week long Beaujolais Nouveau celebration at the casino:

Photo credit: Splash News

Yeah, I don't get it either ... I just thought the pics of the red fake Eiffel tower were kinda cool. [Source]

It turns out that a friend of a friend to Pink reader Carlyna was the adept person who spotted and photographed Jake Gyllenhaal and Reese Witherspoon publicly canoodling at the Slanted Door restaurant in San Francisco, CA ... and sends in the cameraphone pic:

She writes: I work right by Slanted Door and my co-worker's friend emailed us a pic from her phone saying she knew it was Reese and Jake making out because she saw them when she walked in and called us right away. See folks, this is why it's a great idea to keep a camera handy wherever you go ... even if it's a cameraphone. See, stalking isn't just for the paparazzi anymore :) [thanks Carlyna]

In Touch Weekly is reporting that they've got the skinny on the upcoming baby shower for Nicole Richie and Joel Madden ... and it's going down this Sunday:

Okay, everyone go check your inboxes: Save-the-date e-mails to Nicole Richie's star-studded baby shower have just gone out. According to the notice, the event will take place at 12:30 p.m. on Sunday, November 18, and is being planned by Mindy Weiss, wedding planner to the stars. As In Touch has previously reported, the shower is being given by Nicole's mother, Brenda. The invite also says the shower is being thrown by her sister Sophia and her "loving friends" Paris Hilton and Masha Gordon. In Touch also revealed that Nicole and boyfriend Joel Madden are having a boy, and that the shower would be at a Beverly Hills estate with music by DJ Samantha Ronson. US Weekly adds that the shower will benefit a new children's charity that has been started by Nic/Joel which aims to lend aid to mothers in need: Nicole Richie and Joel Madden are planning a baby shower at a private home this Sunday ... Instead of guests bringing them gifts, the soon-to-be mom, 26 — who told Diane Sawyer, "I want my child to look up to me and be proud of me" — and the Good Charlotte rocker, 28, are asking pals to give cribs, strollers and stuffed animals to the new Richie Madden Children's Foundation, which supports mothers in need. Next month, their charity will also donate 100 Mom-to-Be kits to the Los Angeles Free Clinic! See, more celebs should do this sort of thing. I really believe that Nicole Richie is ready to grow up and act like an adult, putting her partying past behind her. From what I know about both Nic and Joel, this news doesn't surprise me in the least. I commend them for taking on such a positive endeavor and wish them all the happiness in the world! [Source]

Heidi Klum appears on the cover and in the pages of the new issue of Max magazine wearing nothing but a piece of sheer cloth and the smile on her face:

Heidi, Heidi, Heidi ... she's everywhere you look these days. I hear there is a supersecret Victoria's Secret event going down tonight ... it looks like we've not quite gotten our fill of Heidi Klum just yet. [Source]

And finally ... Talan Torriero, who appeared in the first two seasons of Laguna Beach: The Real OC and who briefly dated Pussycat Doll Nicole Sherzinger, is ready to make the move to the big screen ... and he has got his sights on squeezing his goodies into a pair of superhero tights:

Click above to see larger image

From "Laguna Beach" surfer to undersea superhero? It might be a short walk distancewise, but for former MTV reality show star Talan Torriero it feels like a nearly insurmountable chasm. Still, he's not giving up. Talan gave me a call recently to discuss his latest movie "Driftwood," a horror film about a camp for wayward youths, and wound up dishing dirt on his former co-stars, his love of musical theater, his intense and "crazy" acting method, and why his dream role involves talking to fish.

MTV News: By the way, your dream role surprised me. Most people pick a superhero.

Torriero: You know what I really am pushing for? I really want to be Aquaman in "Justice League." ... It's a superhero movie, so it's probably hard to even get in there, but I really want it badly. I really want to be Aquaman so badly.

MTV News: Wait, what? Nobody wants to be Aquaman. He's ridiculous. Don't be silly.

Torriero: Well I'm a pretty realistic person. People say, "If you could be anyone you want right now, who would you be?" I could sit here and say, "Oh, Johnny Depp or Jack Nicholson," but is it realistic for me to say that right now? No. But I could be Ryan Reynolds or Paul Walker right now. I love Ryan Reynolds' career, I really look up to him a lot.

MTV News: Word on the street is that you want to be Zac Efron as well.

Torriero: I auditioned for Link in "Hairspray" [on Broadway], yeah.

OH my ... and the interview just goes on from HERE. I love that Talan is shooting for the stars ... I guess it's smart that he's being realistic. I've always liked Talan ... I think I'd be willing to accept him as Aquaman in the Justice League movie ... but, honestly, I'd much rather seen Ryan Reynolds tucked into those green tights ;) [Source]

Les News:
Last night I met up with my boy Jordan for a quick bite to eat at Pho Cafe in Silverlake. OMG, I love that place so much ... if I lived closer, I'd prolly eat there every single day of my life. It was great seeing Jordan ... I haven't been able to hang out with him since we ran into one another in NYC last month.

I spent the rest of last night reading (when I wasn't glued to the TV for Project Runway) and getting my apartment ready for David's arrival on Friday.

This afternoon I have a screening that I'm *SO* excited for (deets tomorrow) and then more errands to take care of before David arrives. Wee.

So, yeah, I guess that is all ... have a great day ... I'm out.



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